Sunday 19 December 2010

How to Apply Eyeliner Cream; Gel or Liquid

Thanks Nic's Notebook for your 'How to' Beauty Question:
"I would like to know how to apply liquid/gel eyeliner properly... can NEVER do it right lol!"

This look can be achieved with eye liner cream,liquid or gel, it is your choice.  My personal favourite is this Laura Mercier Caviar Cream, from Space NK, which gives a pure long lasting colour.  
Whichever product you choose be sure to use small sweeping strokes to create a solid fluid line.  Don't use your finger to pull the eyelid taut, use a cotton bud and press it in the crease of the eyelid to hold it taut, this is much more gentle.  Start from the middle of the eyelid and work outwards and extend the outer corner.
Next work from the inner edge to the middle.  Use the cotton bud to wipe away any mistakes.  If you are using gel, make sure the brush is angled and covered evenly and use small even dabs and strokes.  Remember you can always make the line thicker, but it is difficult to neatly make the line thinner, so build it up as you go.
It is worth investing in a good brush to apply cream eyeliner, this one (again from Space NK)is perfect for getting close to the lashes.  It allows you to dab colour on the inside of the top lashes and in between lashes on the lower lip, creating a thick lash look.
Enter the 'How to Walk in High Heels' Signed Book GIVEAWAY and send in your 'How To' Beauty, fashion or style question.


  1. Yay! Thanks for answering my question - great info! I think I will buy a good brush on my next trip to Boots for applying :) xx

  2. Have NEVER seen these instructions in such detail before. Thank you!
