Friday, 17 December 2010

How to Walk in High Heels GIVEAWAY

The Girl's Guide to Everything, hmmm quite a big claim, but for a 480 page book I am pretty impressed and cannot think of anything else I need a guide to.  This is a practical guide to being fabulous in all aspects of our life, where nothing is off limits, no challenge ignored, no stone unturned, well you get the picture.  Of course there is a thorough guide to walking in high heels, in ALL scenarios; airport, carpet, car, rug,  escalator, fire escape, to name but a few.
This reference book for stylish women is focussed on useful tips which we can dip in and out of, it's not a patronising 'How to be a Good Wife 1950's - tie a ribbon in your hair and have dinner on the table for your husband' kind of way.  More a glide through life looking your best.  It is written with humour and knowledge.
This bestselling book, is set out in chapters with titles such as 'Being Socially Adept' and 'Joining the Jet set', it is clear in its writing. So straight forward in fact that it almost gave me the confidence to believe I too could actually invest and dabble in the city, place a bet and buy a home.
Camilla Morton is a fashionista, who is lucky enough to be able to call the likes of Manolo Blahnik and John Galliano friends.  Her insights into, how to survive New Year's eve and how to shop for Christmas, will be most helpful in the next few weeks.
The only negative I can think of is that the title and book cover may suggest frivolity, which for me is fine, no I would go further as to say appealling.  However I hope this does not put off other women, because this truly is a must have for us all.
This is a unique book, my own copy has pages turned over and is well used.  Camilla has generously donated a signed copy as a GIVEAWAY.
To enter:
1. Become a Follower
2. Leave your beauty/fashion 'how to' question in the comments
3. For 2 bonus entries, tweet and facebook this giveaway (let me know you have)
Last entries by Midnight Friday 24th December, winner to be announced Sunday 26th December.  Good Luck.

If you are not lucky enough to win the GIVEAWAY you can use this link to buy 'How to Walk in High Heels' at Amazon.


  1. Oooh sounds fab, would love to win! I would like to know how to apply liquid/gel eyeliner properly... can NEVER do it right lol!

  2. Have tweeted link to this also (@nicsnotebbok) xx

  3. I follow you with GFC~Deb K


  4. how do you walk in high heals? I'm following you.

  5. I have entered and want to know how do you do a home pedicure properly? I always fail miserably!

  6. tweeted as well! @superamazingmum

    Is that Natasha Law who has drawn the cover BTW?? She always used to illustrate in the Sunday Times but haven't seen her for a while

  7. I am blog follower (Marzena Szymborska)

    How to prepare homemade face masks?

  8. Shared on Facebook


  9. Hi I'm a follower. I would like to know the best eye shadow colours to enhance Blue eyes, also is black kohl on the inner rim of the eye a big no no. Jude Dunn @jadlgw on twitter xx

  10. Hi Super Amazing Mum, I have posted a 'home pedicure how to', hope you enjoy. Natasha Law is the illustrator, I really like her work. xxx

  11. Glad to have found you and am following your blog as Brita.
    Liked you on Facebook.
    Have also RT'd as @muskrat16.
    My question is how do you minimise and prevent stretch marks? Have a pregnant daughter who is prone to them!

  12. Hi Muskrat, welcome, I hope you enjoy my posts. Take a look at my current post 'Vitamin E' this really helps in preventing stretch marks, your daughter can also use liquid vitamin E on any stretch marks which have appeared in order to minimise them. Join the GIVEAWAY for a chance to win her some. x
